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Be a part of the Transportation Growth Initiative 2nd Annual International Transportation Conference, to discuss emerging technologies and innovations in transportation with key emphasis on future directions and challenges for connected and autonomous vehicles, intelligent transportation system, smart cities, big data for transportation and mobility amongst other imperative issues. Drawing in experts from the transport industry in Europe, Asia and Africa to connect with governments, policy makers, enforcement authorities and infrastructure developers. The conference will facilitate an exchange of stimulating ideas and feature series of exclusive case studies on various transport management initiatives around the world. The conference theme: Smart Mobility Africa: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities


  • Autonomous Vehicles
  • Smart Traffic Enforcement
  • Technology Enhance Cargo and Passenger Management in Sea Ports
  • Technology Enhance Cargo and Passenger Management in Air Ports
  • Technology-Based Transport Data Management Systems
  • Smart Urban Mobility System
  • Smart Parking
  • Partnership for Funding Transport Innovations



  1. Abstract must be original and must be based on at least one of the conference sub-themes
  2. Abstracts must be submitted electronically between 1st April and 31st August 2017, using the link available on the TGI website.
  3. Any researcher, operator, policy maker, regulator or civil society may submit one single-author abstract. There is no limit on the number of co-authored abstracts. Authors are expected to present their own papers. Where a paper is authored by more than one persons, the presenting author should be listed first
  4. After an abstract has been submitted, no changes of author, affiliation or title of the abstract, can be change other than those due to typographical errors, are permitted
  5. Authors should not submit abstracts for research that has already been presented at other major conferences or which has been published in a journal, as a book chapter, or in conference proceedings
  6. Presenters must pre-register for the meeting
  7. Authors may not submit identical abstracts for presentation at the TGI conference that has been earlier presented in any previous TGI conference, workshop, and seminar or stakeholders forums
  8. Abstracts must be submitted in MS word format
  9. An abstract, including examples, if needed, must not be more than 200 words and no more than A4 page in length, and preferably 12 point; margins should be at least 1 inches on all sides. Abstracts exceeding the page length limit or in type smaller than 12 point will be rejected without being evaluated
  10. Abstracts that do not conform to the format guidelines will not be considered

Download Full Paper Submission Template


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